How Much Does It Cost To Fit/Replace a Yale Lock?

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Cost to Fit/Replace a Yale Lock

The average householder won’t feel confident attempting to change a Yale Lock, despite this being one of the easiest ‘small’ jobs. You may need to change the lock because you don’t know who has a key anymore (or maybe you DO know!). It doesn’t involve changing the body of the lock, just the inside bit, called the barrel.

1It takes about 15 mins. And a new barrel and two keys cost about £7. 
2To prepare, undercoat and gloss one interior panel door (including removing and replacing furniture) per side

Information Sheet on the Cost Replace and Install a Yale Lock

So why change the whole of a “Yale-type” lock? If it’s broken then OK, but putting a bigger one on won’t deter the bad lads. If the existing one is just loose, get some bigger screws put in it.
“Yale-type” locks cost between £10 and £60 and they all do exactly the same job. They keep the door shut so that honest people can only get in with a key. Dishonest people however use less subtle approaches. They go around the back or they kick the door in. A £60 lock simply guarantees two kicks instead of the regulation one. “Yale-type” locks are easily kicked open because they are only screwed onto the frame and the door.

If you really want a bigger “Yale-type” lock, there may be a problem. All “Yale-types” require quite a large hole to be drilled through the door. This hole position may need to move and the original one will have to be filled in. This may be necessary even if you fit a new lock by the same manufacturer. (Yale aren’t the only ones you know. You can get different types of Hoover as well, I believe!)
So let’s assume a carpenter is needed. He will be cheaper than a locksmith anyway.
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