How Much Does It Cost To Paint a Front Door?

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Cost to Paint a Front Door

1To do the job outlined below with oil based paint. 1 man 1.5 days

Plus materials for both jobs
2The same job with water based paints.  1 man 1 day

“Labour” at £175 a day (tradesman) £100 (labourer), includes incidental fixings etc. and tipping. “Materials” if mentioned, are larger things (a boiler) and stuff only you can choose (tiles etc).  Also VAT must be added all round
Information Sheet on Painting/Glossing a Front Door

He will remove all the door furniture, sand the door down and apply some “knotting”.

If you want oil based paint this is what will happen next..

He will apply a coat of oil based primer and go away. Next day he will return and apply a coat of oil based undercoat. Next day he will return and apply a coat of gloss. Next day he will return and replace all the furniture. All this will have taken him about a day but you will now know him like a brother. Unlike a brother however, he will charge a premium for all the travelling and organising. Also if you close the door overnight the paint on the edges will all come off!

If you want water based paint this is what will happen…

He will apply a coat of primer, then have a fag whilst it dries.  He’ll then apply a coat of undercoat and have another fag a cough and his sandwiches. After grub he’ll apply the top coat then go and buy the haddock his wife told him to bring home. When he gets back he’ll put the furniture back on, tell you not to close the door until tomorrow and clear off for a fabulous fish supper!

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